Khan Academy is a non-profit educational organization created by Salman Khan, an American professor, computer scientist, electrical engineer and mathematician in 2006.
It provides free education to everyone, having more than 4000 instructional videos for primary and secondary school about maths, physics, biology, chemistry, economics and more subjects. Apart from the videos, it offers practical activities that the teacher can send to his/her students in order to do them in class or at home.
Between some of its advantages, we can find the fact of helping students to learn individually, progressing according to their needs. As we know, in all classes we find students that need reinforcement to acquire some knowledge or competences so these videos will help them to review the content at home. Furthermore, using this website we are providing visual learning which helps the students to understand easily the content of the unit.
I encourage you to visit this website and discover the amount of videos that it offers!
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